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Calling All Night Owls - It's Our Time to Get the Worm

Published February 9, 2023
Calling All Night Owls - It'S Our Time To Get The Worm

We all know the saying.

"The early bird gets the worm." But for many of us night owl's, this quote often inspires a dramatic eye roll. Just the thought of a 6:00 am alarm makes us yawn - and let's face it. Waking up early can be HARD, especially when you've never been a morning kind of person. Is it even possible for a night owl to become the infamous "early bird?" After doing a little late-night research on the internet (oh the irony...), I stumbled across some helpful information that just might be the wake-up call we're looking for.

Establish Your "Why?"

Having a reason to get up early will mentally prepare you for an earlier start to your day. Ask yourself, "why is it important for me to get up early?" When you place meaning behind your motivation, the snooze button isn't as tempting, and the follow-through becomes a bit easier. 

Ditch the Typical Alarm

Did you know some alarm clocks apps won't turn off unless you solve a mathematical equation? Some will require you to take a photo of an item in your home before you can silence the alarm. They even have settings that can prevent you from turning off the phone, to guarantee that you follow-though the silencing requirements set for the alarm. Pretty neat, huh? Evil. But neat!


You are unique, just like everyone else. Reading about a morning routine online and then copying and pasting it into your life will not help you get up in the mornings. Finding a routine that works for you will take a bit of trial, error and tweaking, but it's a crucial step in your quest for getting an early start.

Set Yourself Up for Success

What are some things you can do the night before to help make your mornings a little easier? Take a few moments to prep your first cup of coffee the night before. Have your workout clothes by your bedside so that you can put them on first thing. Have a full glass of water waiting for you on the nightstand. Failing to plan can cause plans to fail, so do yourself a kindness and put in a little extra effort the night before.

Show Yourself a Little Compassion

Creating new habits can take a bit of time, patience and effort. There will also be the days where your "non-negotiable bedtime" is derailed.  Maybe your body needs some extra rest some mornings! Perhaps you just don't care about getting the silly little worm on certain days - and that's okay. Be compassionate with yourself, your mind and your body and the rest will fall into place. 

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